November Goals

   How is it the start of November already?? I know everyone says this, but it feels like a few weeks ago that everyone was thrilled 2016 was ending. Now that it's nearing the end of the year, I guess it's time to start being productive. November, I have decided, is going to be a month of intentionality. I want to be specific in what I want to accomplish rather than flailing and freaking out for the entire month and then realizing I've gotten nothing done. I've noticed that making lists tends to keep me more focused, driven, and prepared. Therefore, I figured making a list of my goals for this month would be a fabulous start to being intentional about attaining my goals.

-First, to procrastinate less. I'm trying to make these goals realistic so I'm not going to say stop procrastinating all together. Instead, I'd like to try to get things done before the absolute last possible second.
-Lately I have been focusing on accomplishing things that I've always said I wanted to do, but never actually did. One of those things is getting my nose pierced. I've been saying I want to get it pierced for about two years now, but kept putting it off because (1) it will hurt, and (2) what if I don't like it? But, you know, I can always just take it out. So, I've picked out the place I want it done and will make sure I do that this month.
-Next, I want to start working on itineraries for upcoming trips I want to make. Even if it is just a short weekend or day trip to somewhere new and exciting, I want to make sure that I am still experiencing as much of my small corner of the world as I can. I tend to get more overwhelmed if I just say I have a big trip coming up, but I think that if I start planning them way in advance it will replace some of the nervousness with more excitement.
-Fourthly, I want to keep working on things I enjoy doing. This includes continuing to learn French, posting more on this blog, and painting. Until recently, I hadn't painted in several months and had forgotten how much I enjoyed it. I've found my general mental state and attitude is greatly improved if I incorporate spending time on a hobby during the week. Quality of life and all of that.
-I do also want to be reading more. I want to read at least five books this month, which doesn't sound like many; but, I want to push myself to expand my book selections into genres I don't usually venture. Typically, I stick to classics and fiction, but recently I have been reading creative nonfiction and have really enjoyed the change.
-Finally, I want to continue working on being healthier. I'm not going to suddenly be making a kale smoothie everyday, but I would like to at least do the minimum such as drinking a lot of water and not eating out so much. Not only do I want to be eating healthier, but I do also want to be exercising more regularly. I've been going on a walk each day, which is great, but I should probably start a light daily exercise routine as well.

   I'm going to try and do one of these monthly goal lists at the start of each month, and give an update for how the goals are going (at some point). Now, time to be productive.

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