February Goals
Before this post really gets started, can we talk about how January is over already? It feels like it just whizzed on by with hardly a hello. I can't be the only person that feels this way, right? Anyway, I really enjoy writing the monthly goals post at the beginning of each month, and now that I am uploading once a week (well, almost once a week) I feel like I should definitely be able to do one of these every month.
So. My goals for this month.
- Decorate my room...again.
I feel like I'm constantly changing up how my room looks, but I find I am much more inspired and relaxed in a fresh living environment. Right now I am really enjoying decorating with flowers, which is a bit odd since flower decorations have ~never~ been my thing. However, I made a banner using dried flowers and quotes with watercolor flowers, and loved how it turned out, so I think that has inspired me to experiment more with flowers.
This month I want to decorate one of my walls with little bunches of flowers, which sounds weird, but will hopefully look something like this.
- Keep exercising.
I'm starting a boot camp this week, which is wayyyyyy out of my comfort zone. I'm going to give it a chance though, and I may even end up liking it. Other then that I want to keep doing yoga and going for the occasional walk.
- Bake something without a recipe.
One of my new year's resolutions was to cook/bake more. I have done more than usual (and I've also made more macaroni and cheese than usual, but ya know, slow progress) but I have only ever been able to bake if I have a very detailed recipe. So, this month I want to begin breaking that habit and learning about the actual uses of ingredients so that the fundamentals of baking will make more sense to me. Hopefully, by the end of the month, I will be able to make at least a batch of cookies without a recipe.
- Read poetry.
I've read a lot of classical poetry over the years, but I've never really experimented with modern poetry. I found one book called Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur which looks very interesting, so that book is my to-read book.
- Start a book club.
When I say I want to start a book club, I mean that in the loosest sense. I definitely don't mean have a once a week meeting where we all sit together and discuss the last couple of chapters, because realistically that would never really work for me. I want something more like we meet once every other month or so at a coffee shop, and discuss interesting books.
What genre of books have you been reading lately?